Auditory Learner
Auditory learners learn best when information is presented in a spoken language format. If you are an auditory learner, the suggestions that follow can help you to succeed in school to the best of your ability.
Participate in study groups in which you can talk things out.
- If allowed by your teacher, use a recording device to record class sessions. Use the recordings to support your written notes.
- Use a recording device to record important information from your textbooks so that you can listen to the information as frequently as needed.
- Work out math problems aloud, explaining to yourself the steps you are doing.
- Repeat facts and definitions of words over and over to yourself with your eyes closed.
- Create musical jingles or songs to remember information.
- Dictate assigned papers and type them later.
- Participate in class discussions as much as possible.
- Look for books on tape or other audio materials when learning about a subject.
- Be certain that your study place is free of auditory distractions.
- When you encounter new words while reading, sound them out syllable by syllable.
- Sit in front of the class to minimize things that might distract you from what your teacher is saying.
- Read aloud when doing proofreading.
Try these suggestions and learn which ones work best for you.