Capitalization Rules
There are many times when a word or words must be capitalized. Here are ten capitalization rules you should know and use. An example is shown for each rule.
• Capitalize the first word of a sentence.
It is important to know when a word must be capitalized.
• Capitalize the pronoun “I.”
Do you think I should study for another hour?
• Capitalize proper nouns (names of specific people, places, events, and organizations).
I believe that George Washington was our greatest president.
• Capitalize days of the week, holidays, and months of the year.
We usually go on vacation during July and August.
• Capitalize the first word in a quote.
I was pleased when my teacher said to me, “You are a wonderful student.”
• Capitalize the name of a language.
Next year I will study Spanish literature.
• Capitalize the official title of a person when used with that person’s name.
My friend told me that Dr. Hawkins is a great chemistry teacher.
• Capitalize initials in someone’s name.
My favorite author is J. R. R. Tolkien.
• Capitalize the first word of a salutation or closing.
With warmest regards,
Amanda Warren
• Capitalize the first word and last words and each important word in the title of a book, movie, etc. Do not capitalize short words within a title (e.g.,a, an, and, as, if, for, or, the). Also, do not capitalize prepositions.
I was very moved when I read To Kill a Mockingbird.
There are many capitalization rules. Knowing and using these ten rules is a good start.