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Types of Sentences
Students should know that when writing, the type of sentence they use at a given place must be tied to the purpose of the sentence. Review these four types of sentences and the purpose of each with your students.
1. Use a declarative sentence to make a statement or express an opinion. End this type of sentence with a period.
Algebra involves a different thinking process than does geometry.
2. Use an interrogative sentence to ask a question. End this type of sentence with a question mark.
Who was the inventor of the automobile?
3. Use an exclamatory sentence to express strong feeling. End this type of sentence with an exclamation point.
I absolutely hated that movie!
4a. Use an imperative sentence to make a request. End this type of sentence with a period.
Please clean your room before you go out.
4b. Use an imperative sentence to give a command. End this type of sentence with an exclamation point.
Do not go out until you have cleaned your room!