Below are the study tips that were submitted by our visitors in the year you selected. We encourage you to submit your own study tip.

Go into a quiet area every day and review all your homework before you put away your stuff and get ready for tomorrow. Another great tip is to make a list called a “Check It” on which you write all of the things you need to have before your day and after your day.

Jessica Becerra, Student, 7th Grade - California 01/02/2011

I learned the hard way that you have to send in your dorm reservation as soon as you get accepted by a college. On-campus housing fills up quickly.

Susan Villanueva, Student, College frosh - Kentucky 01/06/2011

Well, just concentrate on the topic that the teacher is teaching. Don’t hold anything in your hand that can distract you while the teacher is teaching.

Jen Bati, Student, BE I/I - Nepal 01/10/2011

Before opening a book to study, stand in front of a mirror and look closely at yourself. Ask yourself who you are, what you want to be, and what your obstacles are. Believe in yourelf as someone who can succeed.

Nomvula Unathi Cembi, Teacher, HOD Learner Support - South Africa 01/12/2011

“In my view, we go to our college classes to listen and to understand. We do our studying at home.

Pratima Tamrakar, Student, BE Civil I/I - Nepal 01/12/2011

I believe in my myself. I tell myself that I can do it so that I know I can do it before I begin my assignment.

Portia Bridget, Student, Grade 12 - South Africa 01/14/2011

To reach your goal you have to believe in yourself at first. Then you have to work hard to achieve it.

Barsbay Barsbay, Student, 11th grade - Egypt 01/14/2011

I read in advance and then make an outline of what I have read. This makes it easier for me when it’s class time.

Inadee D, Student, Senior - Philippines 01/15/2011

“I always study each and every day at the same time. If I miss my time of study, I feel like something is not right in my life. I’m always focusing on my studies.”

Rotshidzwa Nemutudi, Student, 5 - South Africa 01/15/2011

I find it helps to write important facts on sticky notes and place them all over my room. That way I have to look at them when I enter my room making me remember the facts.

Katie Murray, Student, Highers - United Kingdom 01/17/2011

Listen in your classroom and write rough notes. Read these notes first and then go through your textbooks.

Anu Appu, Student, plus two - India 01/18/2011

I have trouble studying but what usually helps me is writing information down and going over it a few times. But I must write it down!

Jaime Nixon, Student, 9th - Oklahoma 01/18/2011

Know your concentration span. Read your work in a topical or sub-topical form. After each session have a reflection on what you have read.

Benjamin Cheseny, Student, university - Kenya 01/19/2011

“First I try to listen to the lesson from a mentor perfectly and with full concentration. Then I go through the textbook and after reading I take a personal test on what I read.”

Sudarshan Chalamalasetti, Student, 12th Grade - India 01/20/2011

Ask your teachers questions. I ask questions in class whenever I don’t understand something. This does two things. First, I get the help I need. Second, it shows the teacher that I’m interested and trying. You want your teachers to have a good opinion of you. It can help your grade.

Howard Friedman, Student, High School 11 - New York 01/25/2011

To study efficiently, first of all we need to be well prepared for studying. Studying a particular subject might be boring if we are not interested in it. That’s obvious. So we should study the subject in ways that are interesting, like reading related novels and short or long stories. Doing this can help us see studying as fun and help to create enthusiasm for study. Then studying becomes our habit and helps us to take keen interest in boring subjects. I am used to doing this and it really helped me a lot to secure higher grades.

Suman Thapa, Student, 12 - Nepal 01/26/2011

It is important to listen carefully during lectures. Have your notebook open so you can record important points.

Sally Nyume, Student, university - Zimbabwe 01/27/2011

Select a quiet and conducive area to study.
One that is free from distractions, since you want to focus on the task at hand.
This is how I was successful in all exams and become a trained teacher.

Nickeisha Bartley, Teacher, Secondary - Jamaica 01/29/2011

I usually would only remember I had an exam the night before while watching a film that might remind me of the subject of the exam. My point is to keep in mind when the exam is. This is the key to success.

John Hay, Student - Yemen 01/30/2011

I take as many pieces of paper as I need for the subject I’m studying. I write questions and answers on each. I place them on my floor. I’ll look away, think of the answer, then look back to see if its right. What I do it makes it so much easier to do better on a test or quiz!

Raquel G, Student, 10 - New Jersey 01/31/2011

I believe that repetition is essential for learning. I write important information, facts, and formulas on note cards. I carry them with me and go through them whenever I have some loose time. This can be between classes, if I finish lunch before the period ends, if I finish classwork before the period ends, etc. It’s amazing how much loose time can be turned into study time during a day.

Samuel (Sammy) Lozada, Student, HS junior - Texas 02/02/2011

First, just be relaxed and calm. By freaking out you cannot achieve anything for your mind is not clear. Then write everything you have to learn on a piece of paper. Read through the material several times and than try to say the material in your own words. Study with a friend, parent or sibling if they give you security.

Maria B, Student, 8 - Canada 02/02/2011

My tip is don’t study in the morning time if you are satisfied with what you studied yesterday. If you try to study any more you might forget what you studied.

Clair B, Student, Fifth grade - SierraLeone 02/04/2011

To help learn English, read story books, try to listen to news on the media, and try your best in writing essays on your own.

Emmanuel Amoako, Student, 300 - Ghana 02/05/2011

When I am given a syllabus on the first day of class, I quickly skim through the due dates of all tests, research presentations, and major examinations. Then, I chunk each area into smaller parts that are doable for me to meet the required deadlines. I also make an extra working copy of the syllabus and stick it to my study area to keep me disciplined and focused.

Lakshmiee Gosine, Student, Doctoral - Pennsylvania 02/05/2011

I’m an adult who returned to college. I found it very hard to connect to college life. This changed when I joined a study group. It helped my grades as well as helping me to fit in with other students.

Rosie Navarro, Student, College - Wisconsin 02/08/2011

My tip is that when studying clear your mind. Put off or remove all distractions like your cell phone and tv. Just focus on studying.

Kadija B, Student, Grade 8 - Sierra Leone 02/13/2011

Here is how I usually study for anything from big standardized tests to small quizzes worth like 10 points (or whatever is very little in your school system). First of all, I have one huge notebook for all my studying divided up into different subjects. Then I set a goal for the specific test/quiz that I’m studying for. It should be a grade that you’d be happy receiving and should be in a range (not 93.5% or something, cause your’e probably not going to receive that exact of a score.) Then, in the front of your notebook write your school grading system. After this it’s time to start studying. Set a fixed time for studying if you know that you have a test or quiz coming up. I write down everything I need to know in the correct section of my notebook and paste in any study guides/other important sheets. I define all my vocabulary words and jot anything down that a teacher mentioned you need to know. By doing this, in itself, you are studying, and also making your own study guide! Then, I take a little break and afterwards, look over my “study guide” repeating vocab, going over info, etc. When I am done, I make a mini quiz on the information in my study guide to test myself. Sometimes I’ll study with a friend and we’ll make each other quizzes! After you’re done, just relax and look over your “study guide” some more. You can just sit with one notebook instead of a bunch of different binders! When you get your quiz/test back after taking it write down your grade in your studying notebook next to where you put your goal for the quiz/test. By writing your goals and grades, you can watch your progress, or decide that you need to study more or get a tutor! Hope I helped!

Dana F., Student, 7th Grade - New York 02/14/2011

Always proofread your documents.

Alexis Ybarra, Student, Undergrad - California 02/15/2011

Keep calm. Whenever you try to study out of frustration, you are not able to study. Breaks are really ESSENTIAL while studying.

Rishabh Jain, Student, 10th grade - Colorado 02/16/2011

The first thing I did when I got to college was to bookmark my college’s website. Then I linked to all the different kinds of student services I thought could help me. I linked to the library, counseling center, health center, tutoring center, and the financial aid office. I also added the learning center. I don’t like to do things that are a hassle. Having the links made it easy for me to use the services and actually encouraged me to. So far I’ve used the library, learning center and financial aid office links. They put up some very useful info.

Edward Machado, Student, College freshman - Kentucky 02/19/2011

Set yourself a reward for the end of the week. For example, for young kids, if they get 5 gold stickers at the end of the week, then they can get an extra hour of tv. For older students, a later curfew, more tv, Friday night off. Make sure it keeps you motivated…Motivation is the key.

TIna Mair, Student, 10 - Australia 02/19/2011

During a history lesson, take note of the introductory remarks of the teacher such as new terms. Listen for causes of an event if any (things just don’t happen, they are made to happen or are precipitated to take place) , positive effects ,negative effects and time or period for the events. Also find out which people were involved and why, tools used, places moved to, why people moved to those places, reactions of the host people to the foreigners, successes, failures, activities involved, administrative methods,law and order maintenance, social setting, peoples’ beliefs, peoples’ culture, and the political setting and economic activities of the people to mention but a few factors. For a student to learn effectively and attain a deeper understanding of the forthcoming lesson, he/she needs to be equipped with the following questions in mind: what took place, where did it take place, why did it take place, what were the effects of what happened, how did it happen, who were involved and why were they involved, when did the events take place and why at that time, what were the successes and failures, what contributed to the successes and failures/decline, how were the failures dealt with, what activities were involved and why, what examples were given, what new ideas will I learn, and what is the relevance of what is being taught.

Fred Byakagaba, Teacher, secondary - Uganda 02/20/2011

The important thing with studying is to always, always, always repeat. REPETITION is the key. When you learn something new, get home and write it down, recite it a few times, and keep the notebook safe. It will make studying for exams easier if your notes are written beforehand. Then all you have to do is go over them. It works! Remember, REPEAT! REVISE! REPEAT! then WRITE.

Charlene Braize, Student, 10 - New York 02/21/2011

If you ever find you are blank after reading something, go back and figure out where you were doing well and look for a word right after that you don’t quite know or understand completely and look it up. Make examples and “GET THE MEANING” as it was intended. You will clear any confusion, become interested again and move along easily.

Lisa Anderson, Student, college - Florida 02/21/2011

You have to remember the lessons you learn in school by working at home. You should stay ahead of the class. If the assignment is chapter 1, read it, but go ahead and read chapter 2. Take notes on it so when you go to the class and the teacher explains the chapter, you will have a clear understanding, more questions to ask, and more questions you can answer.

Fatima Akhter, Student, olevels - United Kingdom 02/22/2011

To remember how to solve a problem with parentheses you can think of PEMDAS. What does PEMDAS mean?
P- Parentheses
E- Exopents
M- Multiply
D- Divide
A- Add
S- Subtract

Alyssa K, Student, U - New York 02/22/2011

Don’t rely on extra credit. Only use it as a last resort after you’ve studied hard.

Lindsay M., Student, Grade 7 - California 02/24/2011

Don’t obsess over being a little nervous about an upcoming exam. That’s actually good since it will keep you studying. The thing is not to be so nervous that you can’t even think straight. When you get like this take a break and do a fun thing for a while. I do some exercise and listen to my favorite music as I do so.

Elizabeth T, Student, 10 - New Jersey 02/26/2011

After reviewing notes right after class, write three new things you learned or became aware of, two of the most interesting things in the lecture/class discussion/on the board, and the thing that was most confusing. Remember, anything you do not understand or are not clear on, meet with the professor, or your tutor, or both. To organize your notes, use the column method: draw a line down the page with the narrow side on the left and a very wide one on the right; put the subject, formula, or main idea on the left and the details, methods, experiments, history facts, English essay steps, etc. on the right.

Doreen Ruggiero, Tutor - California 03/01/2011

Type what you need to study at your computer. When you type the lesson or words it gets into your mind or brain. In school you can just read the notes again.

Chantal Claire Amores I., Student, Grade 5 - Philippines 03/02/2011

Take notes on important things that the teacher is saying. It really helps, and you can review the notes when you go home to study the whole class again.

Alice Wonla, Student, 7 - New York 03/03/2011

Whenever you want to study, you should forget about the rest of the world. Just focus on yourself and your studying. Your time, imagination, and exploration must be focused on studying. You must aovid and ignore anything that might have a negative impact on your acqusition of knowledge.

Suhail AHMED Abbasi, Student, Business Administration - Pakistan 03/03/2011

An acronym KPCOFGS =
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
I figured this out for Biology to help me remember the order of plant or animal life.(it can be remembered/pronounced as: kay-pea-co-figs)

Kathie Thompson, Student, College - California 03/03/2011

Use what your teacher taught you and practice it.

Mohammad Javed, Student, 4 - Maryland 03/04/2011

Before studying you should know what you want to accomplish, focus on it , and remind yourself that all your efforts are going to be worth it when you reach your goal.

Yosra A, Student, secondary school - Egypt 03/05/2011

While studying you should concentrate on what you are studying. You should study in a room where there are no gadgets or things that might attract you from your studying. Start your reading at the beginning of what you have to read, not somewhere in between. If you do not start at the very beginning, you will not be able to understand.

Sumiti Sindhav, Student, 10 - India 03/09/2011

When you want to study make sure that you don’t have anything that is bothering your mind because it will distract your attention from what you are reading.

Adefolarin Oriyomi, Student, ND - Nigeria 03/10/2011

Drink a glass of water before sitting to study. This will really enrich your brain connections to help you to concentrate.

Samrakshini R.S., Student, 8 - India 03/11/2011

If you have something that scatters your mind, tell this to yourself: I’m here and now! I have to be here completely. Remember this quote from Henry Ford: “Whether you can do a thing or not,

Yasin Asadi, Student, university - Iran 03/13/2011

Before you start studying, eat, drink, and clear your mind from everything in this world that is not connected to your studying. Focus on your future goal, sit in a well lighted room ALONE, and always take a break after every 30 minutes of studying. Within the break, drink water, and if necessary take a 15 minute nap to clear your mind. Do not do any physical activities because all your blood will be concentrated on giving oxygen to your muscles instead of your brain. Always read the text as if it is talking to you.

Andar Shah, Student, 9th grade - Afghanistan 03/13/2011

I used to look for the easiest classes. But then our school counselor told me that you need to take hard classes if you’re thinking about going to college. Taking easy classes will not prepare you.

Mark Willingham, Student, HighSchool senior - New York 03/16/2011

When I’m studying I turn my cell phone off so I can be just studying and not texting.

Shakeria Taylor, Student, 9 - Louisiana 03/17/2011

Here’s a real simple way to remember the parts of an atom. Just think of writing them in your notebook with a PEN. P is Proton, E is Electron, and N is Neutron.

Thomas Herrera, Student, 6th grade - California 03/22/2011

Don’t take studying as a burden. Just be cool and open your book. Sit with it and forget where you are sitting and the rest of the things in the world. Remember one thing: you have to complete your assigned topic.

Sandeep Singh, Student, college - India 03/22/2011

When you want to remember something, put it in your mind, and try to say it at different times.
I think it will help you to study well.

Sameh Salama, Student, Prep - Egypt 03/23/2011

I always create note cards when I do my research for writing a paper. I use index cards. On each note card I write the category of information, the information in a brief form, and the name of the book that had the information or the address of the website. If I get the information from a book (or maybe a journal), I write the page or page numbers.

Jason Barnett, Student, College 1st year - Missouri 03/29/2011

To study something important you must stay focused. Don’t think,”Oh! I have to remember all of this!” Just read the assignment, and learn from it. You are more likely to remember something you understood and learned, then something you just tried to memorize word for word, without understanding it.

Cuteee Angel, Student, 7th grade - California 03/29/2011

“What I do is I start to study two waeks before a big test. Then I rest my mind the day before so I can be ready for my test.”

Andrea Warren, Student, 11 - Texas 04/01/2011

First, eat well and exercise. Too much weight will make you less energetic. Second, it is useful to define your goals by writing them down. Third, hang around with positive people

Hussein Aden, Student, 6th grade - Egypt 04/02/2011

All courses are not the same. You have to adjust your studying to the type of course. Studying for calculus is not the same as studying for world history. Studying for chem is different from both. Also, professors teach differently. Try to find out what they expect and do it that way. Flexibility – that’s the key to success.

William Collingsworth, Student, 2nd year college - Colorado 04/07/2011

Keep a strong goal in mind which can inspire you to study. This should be your future goal or anything that drives you to study hard. A strong willpower with a positive approach will take you forward to your goal.

A Nethra, Student, III - India 04/08/2011

I try to study often but sometimes I just can’t get to it that day. Don’t stay up all night trying to remember things that you don’t think you know. Instead just go over the things you know. You can always look things over the next day and just hope for the best. Always try your hardest no matter how much you think you don’t know.

Brianna T, Student, 9 - California 04/11/2011

I have trouble just looking at a sheet of paper and memorizing things, so I came up with a new way of studying. When I study I make up chants or dances. I get active and have fun with it. It is good to do because “using all you senses” helps use different parts of your brain, helping you memorize better and faster.

Sarah J., Student, 7th - North Carolina 04/12/2011

Start by reading your assignment in a slow and careful manner. Work to understand it and then to remember it. You have to stay relaxed to do this. Don’t just let it go if you don’t understand something. Ask questions of yourself and then go back to read to answer them.

Piyush Thorat, Student, 10 - India 04/13/2011

I had to remember the 3 parts of an atom for my science test. I thought of myself writing my answer with a pen. The p stood for proton, e for electron, and n for neutron. It worked great.

Gabriel (Gabe) R, Student, 10th high school - Florida 05/07/2011

Stay far from all distracting things until you reach your goal. After you reach your goal, automatically the chance will come to you to use your phone, chat with friends, get involved in other activities, and so on.

Shanny Sonu, Student, 2nd grade - India 04/17/2011

Don’t look at the answers first when you do math homework. You have to work out the problems if you want to learn. This is what you will have to do anyhow on your tests.

Jaime Miranda, Student, 7 - Peru 04/21/2011

“Here are some tips. Exercise is very important.

Andswa Sithokozile, Student, first year - South Africa 04/27/2011

It is very important to go in depth while studying. We must understand each and every concept, especially for science.

Gaurav Yeole, Student, 12 - India 04/29/2011

First, have self-esteem. Always relax when you are studying for a quiz. When I have a big test coming up, I begin to study 3 weeks before the test. Then I relax for the 2 days before the test. That way my brain is relaxed and I can remember things quickly when I am taking the test.

Mowlid Madi, Student, 2 - Kenya 04/27/2011

Think positively about studying, be goal directed, know what you want at the end of the day, know your deadlines, and take practice tests to help you understand what you have studied.

Hellen M, Student, College - Zambia 05/02/2011

Listen to what the other students say in class. Most of the questions they ask are my questions to. Sometimes they make a point in a way that is easier for me to understand than when the teacher does it.

Larry Braun, Student, entering 10th grade - New Jersey 05/11/2011

Don’t just stick loose papers in your notebook. They’re bound to fall out. Keep them in a folder. I use a different colored folder for each subject.

Virginia W, Student, 7th - New Jersey 05/19/2011

Work hard and try to keep your notes in a folder so that you do not lose them. You might need the notes later on in the year.

Arrington B, Student, 8th Grade - Kansas 05/23/2011

Make sure that even though your teacher may make you angry, you still work hard in order to pass the class.

D`Andre Damond Tennyson, Student, 8th Grade - Kansas 05/24/2011

1. Have a time table for better focus; 2.Study for a stretch of one hour each session and take breaks; 3.Write or jot notes. What is written can sometimes be easliy remembered; 4.Write a summary of the passage or chapter to reinforce better understanding; 5.Test yourself on a few questions to check understanding. This will reveal parts of a passage or chapter where more time should be spent or where your notes need revision; 6.Last but not least, studying is hard work. Hence, be prepared to work hard. No worthy certificate or qualification will come easily.

Chris Chikumba, Parent, - Johannesburg 05/24/2011

I am 27 and trying to do an at-home study course. I procrastinate and lack motivation because I’m a hands-on learner. I made some of my questions into projects for myself. My high school age cousin who has the same characteristics as myself struck a deal with me. She’ll work hard all weekend if I do and we talk about it at night. When I make a deal I stick to it.

Nancy K, Student, homestudy certification - Massachusetts 05/26/2011

Avoid all distractions and don’t study when you are tired. Relax with something light and then come back to study. Don’t confuse laziness with tiredness.

Aaradhya Mahajan, Student, 8th - India 05/30/2011

Use “islands of time” to review your notes and assignments. These are odd times during the day when you have some free time. It really adds up.

Richard A., Student, 11th grade - New York 05/30/2011

Whatever we are going to study, we should give importance to how interesting we can make it. You can learn a lot by paying attention to breaking news.

Gourab Goswami, Student, graduation - India 06/05/2011

University is different from high school. There is no longer a need to have a competitive edge. The only person you should compete with is yourself. Always try and better yourself. Trying to have a competitive edge will only bring you stress and that will have a negative impact on your studies. So remember to drop your pursuit of a competitive edge, and most importantly, STUDY SMART.

Tumelo Kelehetswe, Student, Undergraduate - South Africa 06/07/2011

Reading something just once is not enough to gain enough understanding. Keep rereading your assignments until you feel that you have mastery.

Hector Reyes, Student, entering college - Texas 06/12/2011

Never watch television, listen to the radio, or use your computer or laptop for other purposes when studying.

Nicoel R, Student, 7th grade - Kingston 06/14/2011

This technique really helps me a lot. Whenever you sit to study forget about everything else. Take one minute to do this. Then sit in this position: 1. let your legs be straight and parallel to the ground 2. take the book in your hand and curve your elbow at 90 degrees 3. sit in a comfortable and silent place.

Shubham Sardar, Student, 10th Grade - India 06/16/2011

One way to study is to sing the information. Another way is to think that the information you want to study is written in your mind in different colors. If you make a cover of your favorite magazine for your text book you will pay more attention to your textbook.

Shilpa Mohan, Student, 9th grade - India 06/17/2011

A lot of times you might be skipping the diagrams in your testbooks. Don’t do this for chemistry. The diagrams are great for showing you exactly what’s happening in chemical reactions and things.

James (Jimmy) Anthony, Student, high school - Missouri 06/23/2011

When you are reading a textbook have a pencil in your hand to mark important points. When you review for test give a bit more importance to these marked points.

Ananya Nayak, Student, 8th standard - India 06/24/2011

If you want to study, do not study in front of your tv because you will lose your focus.

Azmina Hamizah, Student, 5th grade - Malaysia 06/27/2011

When you a read a lesson take a pencil and underline the difficult words. Then look up the meanings of the words in a good dictionary. This will help in your future.

Amritangshu Baruah, Student, 8th grade - India 06/30/2011

First you have to uderstand the topic’s meaning. Then go inside the topic for deeper understanding.

Aruna T, Student, 7th grade - India 06/30/2011

Don’t be filled with stress. Always be cool when you study.

Dilkhush Seervi, Student, 9th grade - India 07/10/2011

Don’t stress just one subject. Look at each subject on its own and read all carefully.

Avishek Behera, Student, +2 science - India 07/11/2011

Sit upright while studying because when you lean on your seat you might just doze off. Do not sit on or lie on your bed because you might be tempted to sleep instead of study.

Milllannie Rose, Student, 1st - Kenya 07/12/2011

First of all, study with a free mind.
Second, give full concentration to your book and study materials. Finally, do your studying in a peaceful area.

Shubham Pandey, Student, 11 - India 07/15/2011

Don’t study when you’re not feeling well because you can’t keep you mind on your work. Go back to it when you’re feeling better.

Deborah Barbee, Student - Florida 07/15/2011

Try to study when you are energetic.
Don’t study if you are feeling tired, as your brain can’t work well then. Make your studying like a game. When you get bored studying, just take a rest like hearing your favorite song, chatting with family, etc. Then your brain will be energized again and you can continue studying.

Deepak Lal, Student, 12th grade - India 07/16/2011

Whenever you are studying to answer a question, just imagine that your teacher is asking that question in front of your classmates. Then concentrate to say the answer. This will help you to remember what you have studied.

Vishag V, Student, 12 - India 07/16/2011

When you study, forget everything else like tv, games and other things. if you’ll study carefully it will be quite interesting. During the time you are watching tv or playing don’t think about studies because it may make you tense.

Jay Agarwal, Student, 7th grade - India 07/18/2011

Pay attention when the teachers are teaching. Clear up your missunderstandings in class. Decide your own goal and do your best.

Anuja Gaikwad, Student, 9th grade - India 07/20/2011

Regular study is very important. You can read information at night before sleeping that you can recall in the morning. The most important thing is not to give in to tension.

Dimpal Jain, Student, M.Sc - India 07/20/2011

Take what you have to study as interesting news or information. Then you will be curious to study.

Rosina Lady, Student, 8 - Nepal 07/21/2011

To get good marks, first be ready to work hard. Pay close concentration to your teachers. Read the textbooks. Don’t just rely on study guides.

Shruti Jadhav, Student, 10th grade - India 07/22/2011

With regard to your article about managing study time, I would add ‘rank the importance of each activity for the next day’ to the third heading regarding preparing a daily organizer.

Geoffrey W, Student, Freshman in College - Kansas 07/23/2011

It’s not what you KNOW but it’s what you SHOW that gets counted in exams. You may have full KNOWledge but if you fail to SHOW it in your answer, the KNOWledge won’t help you get a good grade.

Sanjay Dudani, Student, 3rd Year Computer Engineering (B.E.) - India 07/24/2011

Take notes in class. They don’t need to be neat but just easy for you to read. Write down as much as you can and then when you get home rewrite the notes in a notebook with organization and great penmanship!

Kayla B, Student, 9th grade - Illinois 07/25/2011

When you are reading a textbook have a pencil in your hand to mark important points. When you review for test give a bit more importance to these marked points. ”

Omkar Avhad, Student, 4th - India 07/29/2011

I think that from ancient times the most important matter dealing with studying is concentration power. Students usually face problems with respect to lack of concentration power. They become unable to understand the study matter. I think this can be treated with meditation. With meditation, one’s mind can attain the power of concentration and allow one to easily concentrate on their studies.

Sourabh Raghuvanshi Sourabh, Student - India 07/30/2011

I think that you must clear your confusions by asking questions of your teacher. If other students laugh at you due to this behavior, then do not mind and keep asking questions. But be sure that your questions are about the topic. Keep in in mind that your success lies in three words: “I can do.”

Asad Maqbol, Student, 2nd year pre medical - Pakistan 08/06/2011

I learn by writing the information I have to remember and then trying to work on remembering it.

Abigail Obinnim-Techie, Student, senior high secondary - Ghana 08/08/2011

If you are bored and do not want to study more, simply start some music. Then continue to study. Studying with music is a great way to learn.

Lucky Saini, Student, B.Sc-1st csc - India 08/09/2011

Everyone says to concentrate on your studies but noone tells you how to concentrate on the art of living. Courses teach you techniques but it’s up to you to use them well.

Sonali Chandanani, Student, 12 - India 08/10/2011

We should do some exercise before we study. Then our contration will be on studying.

Sanket Dhole, Student, 9 - Djibouti 08/11/2011

I am a average student so for me the best way to study is to carefully read what we study in school once I get home.

Abhi Bais, Student, 10 - India 08/12/2011

I study when I first wake up when the house is quiet. I try to study the same time every day and take a break as needed.

Terri Smart, Student, 5 - Georgia 08/13/2011

People think that studying is all about reading again and again. I think that too. The only problem that students like me have is that sometimes we don’t understand what we read, and we’re scared to ask questions. But I’ve learned that asking questions is the best help you can get from anybody. DON’T BE SCARED, STAND UP AND SPEAK UP FOR YOURSELF! You’ll feel really good – I promise.

Paula Lopez, Student, 8 - Texas 08/14/2011

We need enough sleep to be able to study properly. Make sure that you don’t feel sleepy while studying; it’ll only hamper your concentration.

Ipshita Paul, Student, 11 - Oman 08/16/2011

I think that the best way to study is to just have it really quiet in the whole house – no music or anything. I like to write whatever I am studying 10 or 20 times so I remember it. Then I ask my mom to ask me qustions and mark off the ones I get wrong. Then I go back and study these again.

Angle B, Student, 7 - Illinois 08/17/2011

As hard as it may be to believe, whenever I study for a subject, I do not study with the main aim of passing the test, but rather I study for understanding and to learn the subject. The test score only reflects my understanding of the subject.

Tumelo Kelehetswe, Student, 1st year - South Africa 08/20/2011

I use trakak yoga to help me gain calm and concentration for studying. It makes me less tired so I can study better.

Mayuri Dhole, Student, 6 - India 08/23/2011

Whenever I study, I use diagrams such as mind maps and drawings. It works for me to help me remember everything important, so you can try it too.

Thokozile Thokxic, Student, 12th grade - California 08/24/2011

In my opinion, the best way to study is to feel free and comfortable when you were given a topic to study. Do not get fretful and also do not depend simply on your textbook for the given topic. Search the topic for different information. For instance, look for information from the Internet, from the library, from your teacher, or any other source that relates to your topic. When you find some information that precisely relates to the topic, take notes. By reading the information and then writing it in your own hand, you will have a record of it and will remember it. While doing this research focus on every key point and look for the information associated with these key points. When you have a test, you can scan this information and be ready to do well.

Jamshaid Farooq, Student, 4th Year - India 08/24/2011

When reading information, break down every sentence into smaller ones and read each out loud. I try dramatization and making what I’m reading sound interesting as though I’m telling someone a story.

Aditi Dhar, Student, 12th grade - India 08/25/2011

Read the text out loud as you write your notes.
Try to change the text into language that is best for your understanding. Try to have some surface knowledge about the topic before the class starts.

Jen Bati, Student, BE computer - Nepal 08/26/2011

Whenever I study, I read the entire chapter in my textbook amd then write questions based on the information. I read things which I do not understand again and look up new terms in a dictionary, and then fix a time by which I promise myself to finish learning the information. If I find it difficult to learn something, then I simplify it and learn it or write it 2-3 times and then speak it 2-3 times to remember it.

Mohita Verma, Student, 7th grade - India 08/27/2011

You should be in a room where there is peace and don’t watch tv. That is the last thing you should do!

Jalen C, Student, 7th grade - North Carolina 08/30/2011

Whenever you try to learn, you should have a mind set that will help you understand that particular topic vividly. Keep in mind that if you have confidence in what you do, you have already succeeded.

Sylvester Anoon, Student, 6th grade - Ghana 08/31/2011

Study continuously. Cramming may seem to work for the short term, but you will not reach your full potential

Rachel Trotman, Student, 8th - Trinidad and Tobago 09/01/2011

When I was a student I did a short review on my lesson before class and I studied my lesson after class when I came back home. It helped me to learn better.

Sakineh Moraveji, Parent, B.S - Iran 09/04/2011

Try to repeat the information after understanding it. This will help you to keep it easily in your mind.

Muhammad Rakha, Student, 4th - Egypt 09/07/2011

Get rid of ALL DISTRACTIONS such as cellphones, TV, and anything you know you’ll be tempted to do instead of studying. Also, study at home the day before the test and ask whoever is at home to quiz you on what you just studied. And make sure you get enough sleep.

Phillip C. Bocktrotter, Student, 7th Grade - Idaho 09/14/2011

You must concentrate on what you are studying.
I think you should take a short break after each half hour of studying.

Babak Karami, Student, 8th grade - New York 09/19/2011

Use textbook reading methods like SQ4R. Leave 10 minutes everyday for games like Sudoku, which help to increase your IQ level. Practice Yoga for mind relaxation.

Ammu R.S., Student, 5 - India 09/21/2011

You want to study at the time that is suitable for you. For example, some only can only study in the morning, while some can only study in the night. Be sure to relax every 20 minutes.

Majna Rafeeque, Student, 12th grade - India 09/23/2011

Listen carefully during class time. Then repeat the topic by revising your notes at home.

Tame Talo, Student, Bachelor of Dental Surgery - India 09/23/2011

I study in the early hours of the day (4-6 a.m.) I feel that’s the best time to concentrate without disturbance. Doing your studying early can make your day an excellent one. Quick – hurry up guys – start studying!

Krishna Sarimalla, Student, B.Sc. - India 09/24/2011

Wake up early in the morning! Wash your face. Now, sit straight. Take a deep breath 5-10 times and begin your studies.

Jiba Doye, Student, 11th Grade - India 09/25/2011

Whenever I study, I drink a lot of water. I find that water helps me to concentrate and relax as I work. It works better for me than than coffee and its HEALTHIER!

Gurjot Muker, Student, First year university - Ontario, Canada 09/26/2011

Pay attention to the light when you study. Study where your shadow is not falling on your book so that you do not become sleepy.

Harshitha Jois, Student, 8th grade - India 09/27/2011

Read your subjects with enjoyment and interest. Then you won’t feel bored and start to slow down.

Saideep Sai, Student, Inter - India 09/29/2011

Write some notes and read them the day of the examination to refresh your mind. Take some breaks between studies too. I find that reading aloud helps me to remember and I always read/ redo my work about 3 times. I listen to some ambient music like waterfalls or raindrops or classical music. This will help to relax your mind while studying.

Amelia Lim, Student, 6th grade - Singapore 10/01/2011

Before you begin to read about a topic, brainstorm what you know about it first.

Serame Nicodemus, Student, 1st year - South Africa 10/02/2011

Look at your notes/work on the subject for 30 minutes. Then look over the same notes plus a little bit more related information for 30 more minutes. Do this over and over until you have acquired all the information. Then have your parents make a test for you.

Hunter Riley, Student, 7th Grade - MD 10/03/2011

I have a memory tip for remembering some lines of information. First go into a quiet area. Then get in a comfortable position and stare (focus and concentrate) right into the material you are trying to remember. Then recite the first two lines of the material until you are perfectly sure you can understand and remember it. Then close your eyes and recite the lines out loud. Apply this method to the next two lines. Then when you have memorized these two lines, recite the four lines with your eyes closed. Apply this method to all of the remaining lines until you can remember the set of information.

Momin Jawad, Student, 6th grade - Pakistan 10/06/2011

I always tell my friends not to call me when I am studying.

Benjamin Nevison, Student, j.h.s.2 - Ghana 10/07/2011

The first thing is to love what you study.
The next thing is to study each day so that you are up to date. Then it will be easy for you during exam time.

Shahla Nazer, Student, 8th grade - India 10/08/2011

When studying you can make up a song about what you are studying using a popular rhythms that you like so you can easily retain what you have studied.

Gordon C, Parent, 8 - Jamaica 10/09/2011

When I write answers to questions or definitions for new words, I write them as short as possible. Then I review my answers and definitions. The important thing is to make them as short as possible. This makes them easier to remember.

Kyla Mays, Student, 7th grade - Kentucky 10/10/2011

You have to trust yourself! Those who have achieved academic success are not better than you.

Nour S., Student, secondray level - Egypt 10/11/2011

I never give pressure to myself while studying. I first try to understand the lesson. Then I memorize it so that I can remember it fast and for long term. Taking notes is helpful to prepare for examinations. Most importantly we must avoid the habit of cramming without understanding – it can work against you.

Nikita Dhakal, Student, 10th grade - Nepal 10/15/2011

When you study, study in a silent place. Concentrate only on your studying.

Shreyas Patil, Student, 8 - India 10/15/2011

Take short breaks while studying so you can keep up your energy.

Chazizila Zulu, Student, 10th grade - Zambia 10/16/2011

(1) Relax your mind while reading.
(2) Read to understand.
(3) Do not cram your studying.
(4) Study frequently.
(5) Do not answer phone calls while studying.
(6) Review what you read at least twice after each page.
(7) Believe you can do it and you will see yourself doing it.

Stanwood Stanislaus, Student - Nigeria 10/17/2011

Think of studying as a game. If you practice and get good at it, it’s interesting. But if you don’t, it’s boring. So while studying, I try to entertain myself by visualizing the information I have to study in my subjects. In my spare time I think of what I visualized to remember the information for a long time.

Astha Pandit, Student, 10th Grade - Nepal 10/21/2011

Study in a silent place. Keep yourself calm. Don’t study when you are in a bad mood. Take short breaks but don’t watch tv during breaks because you may not get back to studying – instead listen to music. Try to enjoy what you are studying.

Samyuktha Murali, Student, 9th grade - India 10/22/2011

It is important to be relaxed and try to study with full concentration. In order to concentrate when you study, you must exercise daily.

Sneha Khan, Student, 2nd year - Pakistan 10/25/2011

Well, to find a quiet place to sit and study is great advice because it helps you to get away from noises that will distract you from your learning.
Studying at the same time each day is a great way for remembring when to study because then you’ll get used to it.

Sima Zahidy, Student, 6th - Australia 10/26/2011

Try to do mind mapping of whatever topic you are studying. For example, if the topic is “LITERACY,” circle that topic and make some questions for that topic, i.e.,
1.WHAT is literacy?
2.HOW can literacy be built?
3.WHERE does literacy start?
4.WHO is taking steps to increase literacy?
5.WHICH country has the highest literacy rate?

Ahsan Nomani, Student, 13 grade - Pakistan 10/26/2011

Study with a fresh mind, in a quiet atmosphere. Be self driven. Make a mental picture of what you are studying by reflecting slowly for the information to be absorbed by your mind. I think that concentration is intentional. Intend to concentrate and then concentrate. A busy mind is never disturbed.

Collins Mwamba, Student, College - Zambia 10/27/2011

When studying try to think of your notes as a book. Then read your notes pretending you have never seen them before. Try to study in various places around your home, like outside, on a bed, etc. When you are done studying, ask a parent, friend, or sibling to quiz you. You could also call a friend and ask for suggested ways to remember specific terms.

Madison R., Student, 7th grade - North Carolina 10/28/2011

1.Keep your mind in a relaxed mood. 2.Don’t answer phone calls while studying. 3.Try to be confident about the topic you are studying.

Dharunya Rekz, Student, B.S. pharmacy - India 10/28/2011

Before you start reading (or even opening a book), just try to think of what you already know about the topic. You may not know much. But that creates a sense of needing to know. This a stimulus to understand better. Here is an example. “A” and “B”, while sitting in a bus, see an ad about a new brand of television. “A” has been planning to buy a new television set for some days. Who do you think will grasp the ad more intensely? Use the same principle in your studies too.

Toms John, Parent of high school student - India 10/29/2011

Studying is a matter of mind. When you are studying, don’t think about anything else. Concentrate on what you are reading. Seek understanding, form questions and try to answer them. Keep your mind fresh.

Isratsilma Suhi, Student, 9TH Grade - Bangladesh 11/01/2011

When I study I think about my responsibility to my girlfriend. We are thinking about getting married. So I work and study hard so I will be able to get a good job.

Sandeep Charan, Student, 1st year - India 11/04/2011

This may seem obvious, but if you don’t understand something, ask your teacher. Try to make your question very specific.

Cindi R, Student, 10th - Texas 11/06/2011

Drink some fruit juice every ten minutes while you are studying. This helps to wake up your brain and keep it awake.

Cheryl Debruice, Student, 7 - South Africa 11/07/2011

Don’t try to study late at night. You won’t be able to remember better doing this. Try to get enough sleep and pick more appropriate times to study.

John Suu, Student, 6th grade - Myanmar 11/08/2011

I have been out of school for a while and it has been a long time since I have had to do any studying. If you are returning to school like me, you have to make up your mind that you want to study. Then prepare yourself to study hard.

Revenall Ruhl, High School Diploma - Arizona 11/09/2011

Listen to your teachers and also ask them for help with what you don’t know. Don’t feel ashamed to do this – it’s for you own good. Take short notes on what your teachers teach. You should study your notes when you go home until they are in your mind. When you go to bed think about what you have done and learned.

Sasnita Nand, Student, Form 3 - Fiji 11/09/2011

When I study, making flashcards helps me out the most. I carry them with me and they help me to remember facts and math equations.

Kasha Haps, Student, 11 - Michigan 11/13/2011

Don’t study for your tests all in one night.
It’s not a very smart thing to do. You need to use your study time and free time before that to get ready for tests.

Lendon Royer, Student, 7th grade - Louisiana 11/15/2011

When I set my study times I allow for downtime. These are 15 minutes when I take a break by daydreaming or meditating, or writing in a journal. Don’t take a nap because you might sleep right through your studying. A good idea is to do some light physical exrcise. This gets your mind and body ready to go back to studying.

William Levinson, Student, 11th grade - California 11/19/2011

My class notes are important for tests. Teachers usually ask questions about what they discuss in class. I always check my notes with at least one other student to make sure I didn’t miss anything important.

Thomas Munoz, Student, 9th grade - New Jersey 11/25/2011

Try to wake up early in the morning and go for a brisk walk. If you know how, do some yoga to relax your mind (or whatever you do to become relaxed). Sit properly at your desk and begin to read and do your studying. Relaxing your mind and having proper posture will help you concentrate on your work.

Surender Soni, Graduate - India 11/27/2011

If your mind starts to drift while studying, stop and say to yourself “BE HERE NOW.” Then continue your studying.

Sachin Kulkarni, Student, 8th grade - USA 11/30/2011

Don’t feel ashamed about asking your teacher for help. Your teacher can help you to understand the subject.

Geetha Sahithi, Student, 8th grade - India 11/30/2011

If you are a new student you will find that working with study groups is very effective. But beware of “parasites” who do little and feed off what others in the group are doing. Make sure that every one contributes so that you are all on the same level.

Wilned Hara, Student, first year - Malawi 12/01/2011

Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses. There are seven coordinating conjunctions:for,and,nor,but,or,yet,so. Use the acronym “fanboys” to remember them. The “f” stands for “for” and so on.

Sashagay Beale, Student, 7th grade - Jamaica 12/06/2011

Whenever you start studying think about what you wish to conquer and extract everything from what you are going to read. Be confident and never lose patience. Understanding may take some time, but in time it will definitely happen.

Shivam Mishra, Student, first year - India 12/08/2011

While studying, concentration is the most important thing. If there is no concentration your hard work is wasted. It would be like trying to fill a bucket that has a hole in it.

K. Kalyanchetty, Student, First Year - India 12/09/2011

When using the laptop for studying, try and restrict yourself from going onto any game sites. Even if you think you will do this for just five minutes, it will probably become an hour.
Also, try using power point for hard topics as summarized material is easier to absorb.

Crystal Lydia, Student, Year 10 British System - Ireland 12/10/2011

Write on a sheet of paper the topics you are studying. Underneath each topic write key words/information that you can research or look up on the Internet.

Jajanae W, Student, 7th grade - Nevada 12/11/2011

Always remember that you are studying for a purpose. After reading a paragraph, try to say it in your own words. This will help you to understand it better and will increase your concentration.

Aquil Roshan, Teacher, 10th grade - India 12/15/2011

When I felt that a subject was too hard, I used
to neglect to study and failed the exam. But then I decided to forcefully study for an exam for hard subjects. I would find that the subject was easier than I thought. The moral is that the way we think can affect how we do – so think positively.

Jen Bati, Student, BE computer - Nepal 12/15/2011

I always think that flashcards help. And if you don’t have flashcards, take pieces of paper and put them over the answers. Read the question until you get the answer right.

McKenna Gazzier, Student, 7th Grade - Texas 12/15/2011

When studying a hard subject you may become nervous. Then your concentration level goes low. At that time keep listen to a favorite song in your most relaxing position. This will get rid of your nervousness and increase your concentration.

Abhay Shedulkar, Student, 15th - India 12/18/2011

Whenever I study I try as much as possible to brush away thoughts that may take off my concentration. A quiet place is relevant for smart studies.

Richard Karoki, Student, Form 3 - Kenya 12/19/2011

My school is taking a very long break now. I am going to try to do some reviewing almost every day. Not as much as during school – maybe 30 minutes a day. I don’t want to forget everything.

Melissa Adamson, Student, 7th grade - California 12/23/2011

Use the holidays to try to catch up with your mates or even get ahead of them. Review the syllabus for each of your classes and take good study notes. Get a good night’s sleep before the day of a test. Exercise is good for the brain so try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.

Adejoke A, Student, Secondary - Nigeria 12/28/2011

Make notes from lessons the same day. Use codes for difficult topics. For long sentences use abbrevations.

Shifa Shifana, Student, High School - India 12/31/2011