Below are the study tips that were submitted by our visitors in the year you selected. We encourage you to submit your own study tip.
Record yourself reading your chapter or notes out loud, then play the recording back to you while you are exercising, cleaning, etc.. I find it works better if I try speaking with the recording like if you were singing a good song or repeating a movie line.
”Make sure to have a clean, organized study space where your can study and do homework.
”Nothing comes free in life. You have to work hard ad study A LOT if you are looking for a great grade. Also, keep your locker organized so you can keep track of all of your stuff.
”When you studying, you can write down all posible questions from the notes you reading.
”Study in a well lite room, quiet and comfortable, with breaks taken frequently.
”Mentally prepare yourself beforehand so when you start you are not stressing over tedious, trivial things.
”Don’t study all in one go for every 30 min take a 5 min break .
”write down all tasks when you start to study and make a plan. try to clean your learning space and there only a table and a time tracker in my learning place.
”Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s a sign of courage and the wise thing to do when you don’t understand something or if you feel like you’re falling behind. It’s not a sign of weakness, you’ll thank yourself later in life when you learn this skill.
”Music helps me focus a lot.
”From my experience with school. I think that the best way to learn is by having a clean and organized setup before studying. But when I study I like to set an alarm for 30 minutes to study and 5 minutes to rest and take a break.
”You can make a study sheet, try to condense the information you will need. Pay attention in class, it’s very important! And do your homework carefully, it can save you time.
”Choose your goal for your learning at first step, then you can do whatever you have not done before.
”Stick your new words in you bedroom's wall, review it every day and that is how you can memorize hundred of words after some weeks.
”When learning a new English word, try to remember the pronunciation first, this is more important that spelling. And try to use prefix and suffix to learn the vocabulary as much as possible.
”When learning a new English word, try to remember the pronunciation first, this is more important that spelling. And try to use prefix and suffix to learn the vocabulary as much as possible.
”Best way to study is also making notes(picking out important points) instead of reading from your notebook..
If possible you can also study before you go to sleep it helps your brain only take in the information and even dream about it and end up remembering itâ_x009d_¤
Study smart…and good luck to all of you guys out there..
”Always make sure to give yourself a reward after studying, it will keep you going, I promise ????
”Try to take your time. Don't be in such a rush. Go out for a run or do something that will help you focus . Trust me it will really help in the long run.
”Try to free your mind of things you need to do while studying, Always to remember to take a break and refresh yourself and never try to take a quiz without going over your material before taking that quiz and don't try to study while doing other things stay focused.
”it's very important to know what kind of learning style you have, it'll make studying easier for you!
”If you feel exhausted, take a nap to refresh your mind.
”Whenever you don't know a question,try to do it first.If you really don't know,ask a parent,friend or teacher.
”I like to learn by listening looking it up things online , and i like to do puzzle because it helps me.
”Go to a calm space, ( not your bed) get your supplies, listen to music and study!
”First I read the question and find out that’s meaning. if I am not understanding the meaning I always finding meaning from google or ask to teacher or friends and also I correct the spelling which I am going to write.
”1.I will write it down on a paper of what ever I am going to be tested on.
2.Practice the words or the things you need over and over again.
3. You can make flashcards and study it like that and then some one you could test you.
Make songs out of terms that should be remembered. It helps a lot in memorizing!
”review and take notes on old test to help on on new test.
”Make a scheduled time table and short breaks because it promotes energy to your mindset…
”Don't copy anyone elses method of studying. Highlighting the whole textbook might work for Jimmy next door, and making up a song with the keywords and dates might work for Caroline, but unless you find a way that works for you, you'll end up wasting your time, only for it not to even work.
Secondly, make sure to get enough sleep and read a few articles on the best times to study. If you are studying at the least productive time of day, when you are hungry/tired/easily distracted, you won't get much done.
Lastly, don't spend too much time staring at a book or screen. Studying comes in all methods. Go for a walk and listen to a recording of yourself saying the words and definitions. Or watch some videos explaining a topic. Or write out flashcards and hang them by your bed.
GOOD LUCK!! I believe in you. Nikki x
One of my important studying tip is to organize my studying space.
Another studying tip that I would like to share is to give myself breaks every 15-20 minutes because otherwise I could not stay focused.
I recommend taking study breaks for about 10-15 minutes constantly. Every 30 minutes is a good estimate. It helps relax your brain and calms yourself down for a bit. Having to cram study hours with no breaks just makes focusing no good. Also try taking notes your style. You can make symbols or doodlings that comes with a key on your own. It makes things more fun and probably something you'll enjoy doing.
”You should sit in a secluded place when you start studying, it's also better to write important informations in a notebook and it should take every hour and another half an a hour to rest so that you can complete the study concetrated.
”For Asynchronous lecture based courses, make sure that you have previewed your textbooks and readings before watching the recorded lecture files in order to make the best out of your time watching the lectures.
”When you have a study guide answer the questions you know from memory and circle the ones you don't, so you know which ones to focus on.
”When learning a foreign language watch a show that is originally in that language. If you have subtitles make sure they are in the language you are learning. You won't understand much at first but over time you will understand more. Even just 30 minutes a week can help.
”My study tip is to set time for each task you need to do or do a study plan like you'll spend 30 minutes on the math assignment and then 45 minutes on the History assignment with a 10 minutes brain break in between each work assignment. I have used this and it has worked for me really well especially since my brain just jumps around from one thing to another and its easier for me to get off task.
”One study tip I recommend is writing down on Monday what you have to get done that week or at least all you know. That way you can organize it and not be overwhelmed.
”You can write down agendas and daily planners to help out with your day.
”“Be Active Studying”
Active studying is as simple as asking questions before, during, and after study time. Not only does this help to give me study session direction, but it also helps keep me on track and reflect on how to improve for my next study session!
Don’t forget to eat! Your body (and your brain) needs fuel to help stay in top form. Plus, it’s difficult to focus when your stomach is growling. Have healthy snacks while you study, but make sure they’re prepared in advance so you don’t spend too much time away from your work. More time away means more opportunity to be distracted!
As a tactile/kinesthetic learner, I find that it helps to tap my own leg to keep myself active without it being as loud as, let's say a pencil.
”If you take a nap, either take a nap that's not longer than 20 minutes or a nap that one to two hours long, otherwise you will be in a stage of sleep from which it will be really difficult to wake up (trust me, a psychology student here :))
”It is always best to study with a clear mind, also be sure you are in a quiet area with limited interruptions.
”Put yourself in a no distractions situation or reread the material at a different time to catch any missed information if you can not avoid distractions. A common method to get the most information from your reading is called the PQR system; Previewing, Questioning while reading and Reviewing.
”Try the pomodoro technique , its really effective. Study for 25 minutes and then relax for 5 minutes. relax means close your eyes or go for walk or do anything except studying.
”when you wake up, do your work to get it out of the way for the rest of the day.
”put yourself in a no distraction zone and make sure you use your time wisely. Don't rush it. when studying you should study at a 15-minute minimum for every section you study. For example, study in the morning and then test yourself in the evening and if you don't like the results then you can always study more.
”When studying math, you learn the most when you actively read the textbook. That means try the examples out and really focus in on understanding the steps. Practicing math builds muscle memory, and you will become more confident when solving math problems.
”stay in a nice calming zone with no distractions
”If you are a visual learner draw or find a picture of something that is related to what you are studying. If you are a written learner write something down in relation to what you are studying. If you are a listening or speaking learner, listen to someone saying or say what you are studying out loud.
”read and understand more and more,do some exercise and text
”Stay focused and work your hardest. Its easier to have a one and done assignment and not have to redo it later
”I like to study in morning it makes me fresh and makes my day