Below are the study tips that were submitted by our visitors in the year you selected. We encourage you to submit your own study tip.
Focus on the class when teacher teaching you ,if you don’t know something or can’t understand about it ask your teacher or your friends,is very important for you to understand the subject.most important is you need study and do some quiz to test youself.
”Use flashcards and go over them whenever you have time. Sort out the ones you don’t get right, and go over them until you understand it. It also helps to repeat the information during the day to make it stick. Ask a friend to test you.
”Pay attention to everything your teacher says and when they repeat something it’s important and may be on a test
”When teachers ask questions in class, write them down in a notebook so you have an idea of what could be on the test.
”Use notecards for vocab and then each vocab word you don’t know, put into a pile (or star if using an online feature). Later go back and look at each one of these in your notes, the teachers notes, or your textbook and write down 3 sentences about the term. It really helps!
”If you are ever given a study guide go over it with friends that can help a lot Because you are able to talk to your friends while studying
”Have your parents quiz you if they can it helps a lot
”Having somebody quiz me with vocab card before quizzes/tests helps me a lot.
”It is best to understand what you are reading,this will help you to remember the work and also very important Go through your work every day,just so you don’t stress yourself during exams or tests.
”Read 25 minutes and take 5 minutes break
”When studying use earbuds/headphones to cancel out noise (optional- and play no music so there is a smaller chance of distractions.)
”Find the quietest place you can, I find it easier to study and to finish my work. Easier for me to think as well.
”Try doing a Brain Dump! Write down everything you know about your current unit and check with your notes to see where the gaps are.
”“Have notes that make sense and you can even ask a teacher about the notes to correct them if needed.â€_x009d_
”Using flash cards or finding videos online is very helpful !!!
”If you don't get something the teacher said then try using other sources, like friends, textbooks or the internet. And always ask questions.
”take short breaks during studying
”I study better when I re-write my notes.
”Creating acronyms can help study for an upcoming test, and it really helps you remember information.
”When you study make sure you get comfortable so you can focus more.
”Try to stay in a position you wont get too comfortable in. Also stay hydrated, ask questions if you can and always take notes, when your finnished then read over the notes aloud so its easier to remember
”Study somewhere that is not filled with distractions.
”Make sure you have a quiet place to study in with no distractions.
”Don't procrastinate.
”Before you Study Something,
Pick a place and time,
Plan your time of study,
Discover your learning style,
Stay motivated,
Don't rush through things take your time.
”Find a quiet spot to study with no distractions(no phones, ipads or music) and read over the things you need to study. You can choose a color to color the things you don't know, and the things you do know. You can make notecards or rewrite your notes in colorful colors. I also do NOT recommend studying with a friend because you don't get much done. I hope my tip helped!
”Study for the most important test, if you have a non important test and know the material spend less time than a more important test where you don't
”when you are reading a book or an article while studying make sure to skim and scan so you dont need to read the whole thing you are just getting the important bits and sentences and find what your looking for.
”always always study ahead of time ! A week before is always a good time to start, plan your study schedule, drink lots of water, take periodic breaks, and do not study for something for an hour straight! Try to find somewhere peaceful and clear all electronics and distractions!
”I like watching plays. This way can not only improve my spoken English, but also cultivate my sense of language. The key is that it is very relaxed.
”visual learning style. Firstly, I watch an English movie with bilingual subtitles to get its main idea. Secondly, I watch the movie again with English subtitles and take notes of what am interested in. Thirdly, I review my notes.
”Explain the topic to yourself as if you were explaining it to another person. You will remember the points.
”After covering a topic, discuss it with a friend. I find it helps to really cement it in my mind to say it out loud in my own words and have someone talk about it with me (and if you realize you don't know enough to discuss it, then it's easy to tell that you need to look it over again).
”If you ever get back your homework,projects,and assignments from your teacher,always look at them. This will help if you made a mistake on something and will help you study for what you need to improve on. It will also give you an idea of what might be on a test.
”Finding out your learning style is very helpful when studying. There are three types of learning styles and you can take the quiz on this website to find out your style. If you're better at learning by looking, you can draw graphs and diagrams to help. If you're better at listening then maybe read your notes out loud and record them. If you learn stuff more by doing things, you can try building things.
”I think you should try and find articles on your subject (mostly science) because it really makes me curious and more inclined to study the subject.
”Studying while listening to music
Some people think studying with music is hard or easy. I think it’s hard to study in a certain subject while listening to music. If you’re like me than it’s OK. Just pick breaks to stop the song and then start it again. There are also many more ways to study listening to music. You can always have a glass or a refreshing drink of water and listen to the music at a soft volume and drink the water every once in a while. There are many ways but those are ethos different ways. Thank you for reading. Try these at home sometime! Thanks!
”Make sure to understand the main concept/main theme of a given particular answer while studying
”When taking notes, associate each note with a color and shape. Then, when you need to remember the notes, remember the shape and color.
”I prefer making my on notes as am study, this makes me to remember and encourages me more to study
”Study hard during night time because at this time nothing can disturb you.
”Be organized! That's the key. Define your priorities from the most urgent assignment to those who can wait a little. Know how much time you have to do your assignments. And keep away from those things that may be a distraction.
”Always pay attention in class and make yourself a study guide so you know what you are doing.
”Try to find a balance between studying and having fun. Too much studying could lead to headaches due to being overwhelmed. With a balance you can get better grades and have fun.
”Find somewhere quiet to study. Put on some background noise to drown out a loud environment. You can also take short breaks in between longer study sessions.
”listening to music helps me as a kinesthetic learner
”Make flash cards
”Put time aside to study a little every night. Set a timer to takes “brain breaksâ€_x009d_ so you’re not overwhelming yourself with information and able to retain more. If you have a partner helping you, make sure you’re having them mix up the questions so you aren’t just answering based on what you know is coming next- it won’t help you when you get to your test.
”Stop using the word “study”. Change it to “learn”.
“Studying” often means just staring at a book and just daydreaming.
“Learning” means moving from not knowing something to actually knowing it.
”I love working out things and learning new things it helps alot. I love making things difficult for myself when I know I can try harder when I do it. I love drawing too.
”make sure you turn in your missing work
”Retyping or rewriting my notes helps me remember them because I have to first read the notes, then right them down, then read over them to make sure I wrote it correctly. Because I am a visual learning this helps a lot.
”Reading and watching all of documentaries about your concerning subject. Listening ted talk education in your free to expand your thinking.
”Get as much sleep as you can, the more sleep you get the better you can remember things better from the day before
”Don't wait till the last minute. try to finish it in class.
”make sure you ask the teachers questions to make sure if you understand
”For visual learners take notes! Before I didn’t and my grades were bad now I do and they are much better.
”I like to use and the Read and Write Program that read the scanned text out loud to me. Also sometimes I look up educational Youtube videos and when I watch them I also read the captions. Flash cards are also helpful.
”do not procrastinate it will just get pushed back longer and longer so your best bet is to do it strait away
”I find that when I study to make a rough copy one night of what I want to do this week, and write down how long you want to do it for. You can be productive and organised!
”Use music. Not music with lyrics in it, no, just music. Video game music is made specifically to help people concentrate on what they're doing. Also, writing things down is scientifically proven to help people remember things. Even if your handwriting isn't the best, it can help.
”Always drink water while studying and when you feel tired, exercise even if it's just jumping jacks or taking a walk and listening to music. Use your breaks to do your daily workout routine. It will increase your energy levels and help you concentrate.
”Make time to study beforehand and use flashcards.
”Get all your tools, equipment, snacks, etc. ready before hand so that you wont be distracted later during your study sesh
I listen to music 🎶 when I study 📖 😆
”Study with a friend that will not get you distracted!
”I have 3. First, listen to music. It's proven to help you focus and be more productive. Secondly, give yourself some space. Don't let anything bother you. Don't leave on the TV, or constantly have to switch songs. Just pay attention to your notes. Lastly, take breaks! Studying for hours makes your more subject to daydreaming. A break can be anything from playing video games to going for a run. But don't make it too long.
”Re-read the chapter, make flashcards, be productive.
”Ask a lot of questions. You’ll have a better idea of what to do.
”Take a lot of notes. Taking notes will help you remember what you've learned, and pay attention to what the teacher says during class.
”When I study I like to write definitions and take my time. There is NO rush!!