Below are the study tips that were submitted by our visitors in the year you selected. We encourage you to submit your own study tip.
I called this tip the “Topper Method.” It is the result of my thorough research. Always study at least two topics per subject daily. It means if you have 5 subjects then the number of topics will be 10. For math solve 5 problems. If there is time left you can cover more topics or questions. If you strictly follow this system then you can top any exam.
”Try to wake up early when no one else is awake. Make a quick snack and start studying. Summarize and study every lesson after you complete it. This will make it easier to study for a test.
”Be cool and study slowly at first. Pick up your reading pace after about 10 minutes. Revise and revise. Write about what you have read without looking back. Allow reasonable time for studying each subject. Maintain clear and effective notes with stuff like flowcharts, tables, etc.
”It is best to study when you are motivated. This makes studying enjoyable.
”If you take notes on loose-leaf sheets of paper, be sure to number each page at the top right. This way you can always keeep them in the right order. I dropped my notes once, so I learned the hard way to number the pages.
”I plan to do my studying at the same time each day. This helps my brain maintain a clear idea regarding when it is time to study as well as makes it easier to manage my study schedule.
”When you have a big test coming up, or even a small quiz, always take all study tools (such as study guides, review sheets, homework,etc.) and rewrite them as many times as you can. When you do this, also make pictures for each thing. Doing this helps you remember things and helps you do good on a test.
”When studying, I always take a 5-minute break every 15 minutes of studying, because that’s how long my mind can focus.
”Always have something educational such as a interesting book to read for a homework break. You can also do some homework that is optional but more enjoyable for you than what you are doing. Do not try to do everything at once. Do it in blocks.
”When you are reading your text, it is important to use context to identify words and gain full meaning.
”“At times studying may seems like the hardest thing to do. When you get frustrated, just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and say to yourself “I have to do this, its the only way I will be the best in my field of study.”
”Make a schedule. Pay attention in class.
Take good notes. Plan ahead for tests and projects. If you have a bunch of stuff to learn, break it into smaller chunks. Using flash cards is a very effective strategy for studying. While you are studying, take breaks in between.
First, I want to tell you that I was not having any interest in studying. I used to skip classes and I got just passing marks or sometimes failed. One day I made a resolution that I will give my best effort and show that even I can study well. You can do it also.
”When I get up I sit for at least 30 minutes studying and then get ready for school. After returning from school, I follow my studying timetable. I try to review whatever was taught for 2 hours and keep 15 minutes in between as a break.
”When I get really stuck on an assignment, I switch to another assignment. When I come back to the first assignment, it's like a new start. I have my energy back for the assignment and usually can get past where I was stuck.
”Have a homework timetable. In it include extracurricular activities such as swimming and band practice. If you are getting frustrated by one assignment, put it away, go onto another, and come back to it a bit later. Have frequent breaks. Work out how long you can focus and than have a break. Don’t make either work or the break too long. Last of all have fun. Homework isn’t meant to be stressful, so if it becomes stressful, take a small break or have a snack and than come back to it a little while later.
”Study at a quiet place. Read each sentence three times to help you know and remember.
”Drink plenty of water when you are studying. This helps your brain function properly.
”To succeed in school, you must first deserve to do well through hard work, and then desire to do well.
”My study tip might go without saying. Go to every class! You will have a multisensory learning experience. Also, you will know what the professor emphasizes. This will give you a heads-up on what to expect on a test.
”Wake up early in the morning and start to study with a fresh mind. Study your practical subjects for a minimum of two hours. After breakfast and other important things you must do, sit again to study theoretical subjects for a minimum of one hour. Take breaks in regular intervals when you study. It is best to alternate studying practical and theoretical subjects.
”“It is all about interest. If you have interest in the subjects you are your studying, you don’t have to think about how and when to study. So before doing any studying, try to make your subject interesting. But the main thing in studying is consistency. You should have the power of persistence inside yourself.”
”When I have to learn a new vocabulary word I try to use it as much as I can. I try to use it when I’m talking and when I’m writing. The more I do this, the more the word is automatic for me.
”I read my notes and record them. I then listen to the notes daily. This is a good strategy because my eyes do not get tired from reading the notes/content over and over again.
”I change where I study from time to time. I've found that if I study in the same place all the time, I become too comfortable. When this happens, my concentration falls off. I don't mean that you should study in a whole bunch of different places, but two or three.
”Start studying as early as you can for exams. Mark the words that are difficult for you and search for them in a dictionary. Use the words in sentences that you write. Try to study a subject at least one hour at night and review the same subject when you are in fresh in the morning.
”I have a good habit of taking notes during lectures. Afterwards when I am studying, these notes help me to remember what was discussed in the lecture. Later I go through the textbook and lecture notes and make my own notes which I use to study for exams.
”Look around yourself. Try to learn good study habits from the people surrounding you. Always try to remain satisfied when you study. If you are feeling sad, you may become lazy in in your work.
”I use index cards as note cards. I put only one idea on a card when I'm reading. I also write where the information came from. I can carry the cards with me for review and can put them together into categories. When I no longer need a card I just throw it away.
”It is important to write notes about what your teacher says. Then you can study them and make a+ on the test.
”When I get bored with my reading assignment, I take a break and read something that I’m enjoying. Then I get back to my assignment. I take careful notes from my reading assignments.
”We should improve our reading habits and writing skills, not just our cramming power. Don’t think too much about marks! Follow your interests and enjoy the life of school and then college.
”I always try to set my goals for the day. It’s not compulsory that I do a particular task at a particular time. I schedule gaps between difficult subjects. I have a proper diet so that I don’t feel lazy.
”You have to concetrate on what you are studying and avoid being distracted. Make sure you relax before you start studying. Write down questions about what is not clear to you so that you can ask your lecturer about them in class. Find people in your class that are smart and study with them.
”I learned this the hard way. If your teacher gives surprise quizzes, be absolutely sure to read and do all class assignments before every class meeting.
”Try to find common examples which are visible and easy to remember for hard topics. In this way you may get the point easily.
”You have to take detailed notes on every subject. Frame questions and answers of your own from each page of the assignment. Review these questions and answers in the early morning and throughout the day. Attend all classes and regularly complete homework given by your teachers.
”You should do a good of mind mapping your studies and linking your subjects. Good students use strategies and you should too. Make diagrams of what you learn since diagrams help our understanding, and understanding is the key point for success. Also, it’s important to enjoy your studies.
”The best way to study is that whenever you are going to study something, just relax your mind by taking deep breaths. In this way you will feel totally relaxed and be easily able to concentrate. Don’t daydream while studying!
”Don’t watch t.v. shows while you studying or listen to music. These are distractions that take your attention away from your work.
”I always set my priorities. I only have so much time to study and have to get the most out of it. I make sure I have enough time for my hardest subjects like math.
”Don't eat a large meal before you begin to study. It will make you sleepy and lethargic in your work. If you feel that you have to eat first, make it a light meal.
”In our classes, when needing to remember a strategy to solve a problem, we use acronyms as a shorter way to the path of getting an A.
”You have to have a positive attitude towards your teachers and other students in order to be successful in school.
”Study in a quiet place and take a break every 45 minutes. Keep a timer at your study place to be sure you don’t study for too long at a time.
”Don’t study too much in one day. It’s impossible to remember everything at once. Always do your best and treat yourself after studying an amount of work.
”I've found working with other students to be great. We can help each other and sometimes divide the work. Also we have fun working together.
”Set your priority for which subjects you want to study first, starting with the hardest subject you cope with. Afterwards, study at a regular time each day so it goes into your routine. When your schedule clashes with your studying time, change your studying time to either before or after your clashed time.
”University can be very stressful what with high demands and competition. I deal with stress by instituting a routine that I stay with. I know when classes are, when to study, when to exercise and so forth. I don't have to worry about what to do at any given time.
”I have to do a lot of reading for my classes and had difficulty concentrating. I got an eye exam and learned that I was straining my eyes. I got a pair of glasses with a mild correction and have been able to concentrate better since. If you have the same problem, I think you should have your eyes checked just in case.
”It is important not to be tense when you study. Before I start reading I spend 5 minutes relaxing.
”I use instruction from the Internet for my hard courses. I did this for Biology by finding free classes and lectures given by professors.
This reinforced what I learned from my own professor and the textbook and gave me a deeper understanding of Biology. I got a “B” in the course which was great for me since I’m not very good in science.
I'm doing some relaxing now that school is out. But, I'll start reviewing my notes about two weeks before school starts again. I forget too much if I don't do this.
”When doing your essay research, write a draft early, then leave it for a few days, and then come back to it. Then reread your draft. You will find mistakes in your work which can be corrected before final submission, thus obtaining a higher grade.
”Study groups can be a good thing if you are careful. If you join a group that's not serious and just kind of messes around, you've wasted your study time. Then you have to find more time to study on your own. Join a group of serious students.
”Start studying for an exam at least two weeks before the examination. Review and revise your notes during the final week. This will make you feel more confident and will improve your grade.
”Have a break when you are studying. Don’t study after having a heavy meal.
”The most important things are to make sure you complete your homework and turn in all assignments on time. In the past I’ve lost points toward my grade for not doing assignments or turning them in late. Make sure you have a place in your notebook where you write down your assignments. Schedule the time to do them and stick to your schedule.
”What I've found is that the key to good studying is understanding. It is much easier to remember information if you understand it. Just memorizing information can only go so far.
”Make sure you have all the materials you need to study. Have a small snack before you start. Have a pencil, a highlighter, post-it notes, your assignments and a helpful resource. If you get tired take a 5 minute break with NO electronics.
”I'm what's called an auditory learner. I have an app so I can record on my iPad. I record important information I have to remember for a test. I listen to the information many times. Hearing it helps me remember and so does all that repetition.
”If you have a room of your own, make and tape to the wall flow charts and other such materials related to your studies. Read them every day. It will make studying easier.
”Identify the types of knowledge you are studying and categorize them according to Bloom’s taxonomy. Associate the types of knowledge with the objects that are famililiar to you and repeat doing this in scheduled intervals.
”“I read the textbook out loud so that the information will remain in my brain. I also concentrate to make sure I understand my notes. If I get tired I have a break for at least 5 minutes. I use my notes to review the final week before the exam”
”To study and have good results you should do it in a quiet place. Choose your favorite room in your house. Do your studying there after you have completed all your pending chores.
”Knowledge is power, so you must try to acquire it. Learning should be done at dawn to ensure that you will remember what you learn. Personal notes should be made from what you learn.
”Plan your time and use it well. For example, use a calendar or a list of dates or a wall planner to keep track of exam dates and assignment due dates. Plan ahead. Space out your study time each week for the whole term/semester – don’t try to cram it all in the night before!
”Get into a routine – same time, same place for your studying. Work on good studying habits.
”Exam times are one of the most tense times in the life of every student. One should never try to cram anything very tough or confusing just prior to entering the examination hall. Rather, try and be relaxed and review what you’ve already learned.
”You should study for exams in advance for months or weeks . To avoid mental block,do not study the day before exams.
”I have a special notebook in which I write all of my assignments and projects. I check it each day and cross out any that are done. This helps keep me on track.
”Make sure you have a study/assignment/homework planner-either from the school you go to or a cute one from the store-just make sure you have one. They are SO helpful! If you can, keep it with you in class and write down the assignments as they are given so you won’t forget them. Have a great year!!
”Here are some things I do to be able to afford staying in school. I never buy anything on impulse and I try to shop where student discounts are offered. I use the college exercise facilities to stay in shape instead of joining a private gym. I can’t always do this but I try to pay bills on time so there are no late fees.
”Most of my friends wait until the evening to do homework and review their notes. I try to do this as soon as possible after school when everything is still fresh in my mind.
”I tell my students that when they read a chapter in a textbook they should take written notes and outline the key points. The key points are the headings, bolded print, and the first sentence of each paragraph.
”If you are in a crowded place with a lot of noise when you are studying, go to some place where it is quiet. If there is no such place, you can use either headphones or earplugs to block out the sound so you can study better.
”Use the KISS principle which stands for “Keep it Simple Stupid!” This means you should concentrate on just one thing at a time – do not multitask. This is backed up by research.
”You need to concentrate for however long you are studying. Sometimes you need to just relax or play games. When in doubt in class clear your doubts immediately with your teachers.
”First- set the goal and remove procrastination;
second plan your work in a notebook; third,
use your time correctly;
fourth- develop your self -confidence;
fifth- focus on one thing at a time; finally- don’t respond to distractions.”
I'm taking French this year. I try to think in French whenever I can. I've also attached yellow stickers with the French word for a thing to the things in my room.
”I recommend flashcards. I have always used them with my core subjects at school, but really grew attached to them when I started studying languages!
I like to challenge friends with them to make it more interesting – keeping score while calling out or showing a card and having friends guess.
Also, these days you can even play games with them on your iPad/iphone.
Just lookup “flashcard games” or “flashcard” in the app store and see all the apps to help you study using flashcards.
I always study right up until the test. I make sure I know what I am doing.
”I like reading about what I have to study. I learn more by doing more reading.
”Just do your best to study. Don’t wait until the last minute like I do sometimes. I don’t always wait until the last minute, but when I do, I regret it. Work hard everyone, and do your best.
”Have fun when you study. Try to make up little games as you study.
”I like to lie on the floor in my room and I lock myself in until I am finished studying so that I will not be tempted to leave.
”If you have test anxiety before a test, listen to soft sounds and just relax. Pretend you don’t have a test to take.
”Whenever you study, you must keep your full mind on your studying.
”Studies show that the more senses we use when studying, the more likely we are to remember things whenever one of those senses is stimulated. For example, try eating mints while you study. Then eat mints when taking a test. The mints will help you remember what you studied when you were eating the mints.
”if you are not that friendly with the process of studying and it’s always hard for you to sit there, open your books and start studying – just like myself,the best thing for you is to just DO IT! Seriously, the more you think about it, the less motivated you’ll be to start doing it. But if you just do so, you’ll see that it’s not really that hard. So before you give yourself enough time to think and let go of it, Start Doing it!
”Repetition is important in math. You learn how to solve problems by doing them. Keep on practicing problems but not blindly. Make sure you learn how to recognize when/why you should use a specific method to solve a problem.
”First, don’t second guess yourself if you’re about to study. Don’t start thinking about things like just one more game or I’ll study later. Just start working on whatever material you have to learn. Once you’re done, review to move what you learned from your short- term me’meory into your long- term memory. Always take notes when your in class, when you’re reading a textbook, or even if you’re just looking through some information. Reviewing and taking notes are the ways to ace your test.
”While studying for a long time, don’t forget to take a glass of water after every 40 minutes This will help you to be well hydrated and fresh.
”just be positive. Have confidence in yourself that you can pass any test. How you feel about a test has a lot to do with how well you do on a test.
”Don’t be afraid to ask study questions. Don’t be afraid of asking a ‘stupid’ question – there is no such thing when it comes to studying and learning! Always believe “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.â€_x009d_ Doing so will allow you to fill in the blanks and better prepare you for exams.
”Do not study the day of the test. Study and then go to sleep 15-30 minutes early the night before to help you retain the information. Studying the day of the test gives you stress. You should be well prepared before the test. If you feel the need to study just before the test, you are doing something wrong, which shows you didn’t study enough.
”Do you have trouble paying attention in class? Are you sitting next to a loud person? Is it hard to see the board? Make sure you’re sitting in a good seat that lets you pay attention. Tell your teacher or parents about any problems that prevent you from paying attention and taking notes.
”I find it helpful to teach what I am studying to an imaginary person. You might even look in the mirror to teach it to yourself.
”Here are six steps to smarter studying:
1. Pay attention in class.
2. Take good notes.
3. Plan ahead for tests and projects.
4. Break it down. (If you have a bunch of stuff to learn, break
it into smaller chunks).
5. Ask for help if you get stuck.
6. Get a good night’s sleep!
Good notes equals easier studying. Not sure how to take notes? Start by writing down facts that your teacher mentions or writes on the board during class. Try your best to use good handwriting so you can read your notes later. It’s also a good idea to keep your notes, quizzes, and papers organized by subject.
”Block time out in your schedule for studying. Set small achievable objectives to complete what you want to do in that time and then reward yourself (meet up with a friend, watch a favorite program – what ever floats your boat) when you have done it.
”I study well when I’ve just woken up from sleep -whatever time of day. My mind seems to be able to hold more information, and stuff from lessons just miraculously comes crawling back to my brain. I always take short breaks every hour and try and switch subjects around. Otherwise I get bored easily. If I’ve got less to review , I switch and do some drawing (nothing to do with studies – it just relaxes me!).
”To achieve exam success you need to know what you want to achieve. That’s why it is important to set your study goals and outline to yourself what you need to do. The closer you get to your exams the more concrete your study plan should be. But at the start it should be porous. It should be broad enough to allow you to add and change aspects but concise enough so you know you’re covering each subject/topic as best you can.
”Clear your mind If you’ve got a lot on your mind. Take a moment to write yourself some notes about what you’re thinking about before you start studying. This will help to clear your mind so you focus all your thoughts on your work.
It’s also a good idea to keep some spare paper next to you while you’re studying. If you think of anything you need to do later, you can write it down and put it out of your mind, and then get on with your studying.
For homework and assignments, do the hardest work when you’re feeling your best. Save the easy stuff for when you’re tired. Set yourself a time limit for each task and follow it.
”Studying well before exams is the best way to be prepared. You can make it easier by preparing a dedicated study area, breaking studying into manageable steps, revising what you’ve already studied, and managing expectations and pressure.
”Instead of just working your way from one end of a textbook to the other, take time to go over what you’ve already looked at. This will help the information to sink in and become more accessible in your memory. Go over last week’s formulas, charts, essays or chapters while you’re pushing on with this week’s.
”I think studying at night is good. We can remember what we study for a long time. Class notes are a very good source for studying because they are prepared by us. This makes it easy to understand the subject.
”Especially for mathematics, there is a proverb that practice makes a man perfect. So practice before taking math exams. Also it is important when taking a math test to recheck what you are doing because there is a chance that you might have made a silly mistake.
”To study well, you need to rewrite your notes from class. You have to do more than just read your textbook and think that you are studying.
”I recommend that in addition to classwork, you build in studying, exams, essays, investigation, and problem solving. Focus on the processes involved and use accelerated learning methods.
”When you are studying, stop at the point where your productivity falls off too steeply.
”Do your work and go over your work over and over until you know it by heart.
”When you do math, always read the problems completely before beginning any calculations. If you “glance” too quickly at a problem, you may misunderstand what really needs to be done to complete the problem.
”Be attentive in your classes. Take down notes and review them the same day. Rewrite your notes with the help of reference books and textbook. Even review your notes on weekends. Keep asking questions to yourself and say the answers out loud. Explain the concepts to yourself – be your own teacher. Finally, stay confident.
”Always make sure that you have all your materials in one place and study in a quiet place.
”“Be attentive in class. Listen and try to understand in the class. Ask all your questions to the teacher before leaving class. Don’t wait to cram until the exam comes. Every day revise the part you learned the other day. Try to recall it to put it into your long-term memory. Do all the work regularly and if you find anything difficult to learn write it until you learn it. Avoid all distractions when learning.