Below are the study tips that were submitted by our visitors in the year you selected. We encourage you to submit your own study tip.
It is not enough to learn things theoretically. You must also learn things practically so that you can apply and use what you have learned.
”Most students worry that studying is sometimes boring. Or, their most unavoidable problem is “feeling sleepy.” The reason is you don’t love what you are doing. So to be attentive and be active in your work. Love your lessons.
”Every student should understand the topic. Don’t simply memorize the topic by heart. It doesn’t help. By understanding the topic clearly we gain a lot of knowledge and confidence. It helps us everywhere.
”Having completed my first semester in college, here is the most important thing I learned. Attend every class meeting! Do this even if the professor does not take attendance. I found that a lot of test questions came from class lectures about information that wasn’t in the textbook for the class.
”A good way to study is to do your homework. Just looking at the homework, and doing it, will help your brain analyze and solve problems.
”Be attentive in the class. Be sure to revise your notes daily.
”I finally accepted that I have to work harder for an A then a lot of other students do. Once I did that, working harder and longer didn’t bother me anymore. It was worth it to get a lot of A’s. Actually, I now don’t have to work as hard to get A’s. I think it’s because I became more confident.
”This is for memorizing simple information such as English words.
You need 2 blank sheets of paper. Write down your words on paper 1. Then read the words. Next, cover paper 1 and test yourself by writing the words on paper 2. Then check it. Write the words you did not remember 3 times on paper 2.
Use acronymic sentences. If you have to learn, for example, the colors of the rainbow (red orange yellow green blue indigo violet), take the 1st letter of each and make a (maybe quite funny) sentence. ROYGBIN- Roy Obviously Yawns Greatly Back In Newcastle.
”Don’t study after 10 PM. If you study after that, you will be too tired to understand what you are studying.
”Do not just look at your teacher as he or she lectures in class. The most important thing is to listen carefully to everything he or she says.
”This may not work for everyone, but it works for me. I've been diagnosed ADHD. One thing I do is to do some exercise before I start to study. I do things like sit-ups and push-ups. Sometime I take a fast walk. Then I'm ready to study. It also helps you stay in shape.
”If you are spending a lot of time on your assignments, I reccomend working for 30 minutes, then taking a break for 30 minutes. Repeat this as long as you need to. Adjust your study schedule to allow you to do this.
”I always take some long and deep breaths before I start to study. Then I am relaxed and can think clearly.
”Study in a quite place up to 45 minutes. After 45 minutes take a ten minute break. It relieves stress and gives you time to relax for a little. Repeat every 45 minutes.
”Make up your mind about what you are going to study. Remove everything except books and other essential items for study. Have one bottle of water. Start studying and keep drinking water slowly every five minutes. This will keep you active and alert.
”Before I can study after school I have to have a shower and change into comfortable clothes – sometimes even my pajamas. Then I sit down with a snack and a full water bottle. Then I can start to study.. doing this helps me to relax.
”This may not work to everyone but its working for me. Try to read 1 just or 2 topics per day so that you completely understand them. You must give each topic time enough time for you to take in and remember the information.
”Identify your best time for studying. Everyone has high and low periods of attention and concentration. Are you a “morning person” or a “night person?” Use your power times to study. Use your down times for routines such as laundry and errands.
”Try reading out loud, especially if it’s something confusing like Shakespeare. Reading out loud to yourself helps you focus, and it helps you understand the context better.
”It helps me to write what I’m studying over and over again. Like if I’m studying definitions or math formulas, I just write them over and over again. This helps me remember them.
”I think the best way to remember what you learned is when you teach someone, or pretend to. Read the information aloud and start explaining it to yourself. Give some real life examples as well, if possible.
”After learning something, write what you learned every time. It helps you remember what you learned for a long time, even if you are overburdened.
”Schedule appointments with your professors during their office hours. You can ask them questions about anything you don't understand and have the chance to go into depth. Also, your professor gets to know you and appreciate your motivation to do well.
”i will write something over and over, or say it over and over, or listen to something over and over, or read something over and over. Then I will have it.
”If you want to be a successful learner, you have to follow these steps. First, listen to what is said in class to focus your attention; second, think through what you have you have learned; third, if you are in trouble you must ask whoever can help you; and fourth, write down what you learn to help you remember what you have studied.
”First, always make sure you understand the topic. Second, form questions about the topic and think of the answers. Third, think about the questions and answers often. Fourth, discuss them with your friends.
”The first and last sentence in a paragraph are very important. If you are in a hurry these are the words to read. Also, if time permits, read each paragraph three times. First, a general scan; second, a quick read; third, a read for facts etc. Learn as much as you can. It will pay off in the years after your formal education.
”Learn the information you DON’T know. Many students study what they know. However, this is not the best use of study time. Find out what you don’t know and learn that.
”If you are going over the test before you take it, chew a piece of gum. It keeps your mind relaxed and you remember stuff better.
””First, we need to listen attentively to what the teacher says in the class. After we get home we should read our notes. Then make some more notes of what we remember. It will not be forgotten. We shouldn’t think about other things when we study.”
”If you want to pass, just put in effort, and you will succeed. If that effort means studying, do so.
”When studying, don’t look at what you know when you begin. Start with what you know you would fail at. When you get better at these, add in what you knew at the start. It helps to chew flavored gum when studying, and when a test comes along, chew on that same flavor.
”If you are not motivated and have a poor attitude, your study session will not be very productive. You have just one opportunity to pass that geometry exam or ace the term paper. Pick a time of day where you can get motivated to prepare for tests, write essays, and solve problems.
”If you were a model student, you would pay attention in class and listen to what the teacher says instead of goofing off. Follow along with the teacher with the topic he/she is going over. Take notes. Ask questions. Most importantly, give the teacher your undivided attention. Then, you will have a good idea of what to expect on the test and then know what to review and study for. Students say they have studying problems, when really it comes down to how much they pay attention in class.
”Take good notes, so when you study, you have good notes to look back on.
”Try, try harder. It makes your understanding and concentration processes strongest. March your way forward to winning and bagging awards. Manage your time for doing and not just thinking. Be confident.
”If you find any questions which your unable to do, don’t skip them. Try them again and again. If you are still not able to do them, then ask your teacher or a peer for help.
”When things seem hard, that’s the time to never give up. Take a break and then come back to the work at it again with confidence.
”Don’t try to cram everything into the night before a test. What I do is study about 30 minutes every day leading up to the test day.
”If you plan to go on to college, start preparing for tests like the SAT well before you take it. I am already studying for it. It helps me in my schoolwork as well.
”I believe that you should study long before an exam. This helps put the information in your long-term memory and you can process it to remember it
”It is very important to always review whatever you have studied.
Find a calm and quiet place to study.
If you prefer working and studying with peers, you can do so. But, make sure that you study with people who won’t goof off so you actually get some work done.
”When you start studying, determine about how much you have to complete. Then determine to complete that portion.
”Don’t hesitate in anything that you need to do. It’s not that hard if you get started.
”Change your perspective when it comes to learning. Instead of seeing it as a burden and a boring thing to do, see it as wealth which no one can steal from you. Once it’s yours, it’s yours forever.
”When memorizing facts and tables, connect the words to absurd images in your head. Your brain likes to have fun, and is very visual. This creates the most unlikely connections in your brain, which will all contribute to making the memory stronger and more long term.
”At some point you may feel depressed and start hating everything related to studying. That’s when you should study harder. Don’t quit then and ruin all you have done before.
”Space out your studying for a test. Don’t try to
cram everything in just before the test because you will find it hard to keep track of what is most important.
Cramming and time-spaced studying might take the same number of hours, but you will remember the information better if you space your studying over a period of time..
Sometimes, the best thing to do when studying if you hit a snag is to stop and let what you’re studying stew in your mind. Take a rest but keep it back there in your mind. Then come back to it again.
”If you are having trouble reminding yourself to study with just your planner, take something that you know you are going to look at (such as a book) and write post it notes in it. For example, “Hey! I need to study science to boost me up!” Doing this draws your attention to what you must do.
”Try to get interested in what you are learning. I think studying anything will be so fun if you love what you learn.
”Sometimes you will find that a class lecture is very difficult. Then what you should do is read everything you can about the topic. Then you can understand what was said in class.
”When you study for a test, don’t worry about what you will have to learn later. Just study for now. Then the stress will be gone.
”I find it helpful if I put on music while I'm studying. Don't have your radio blasting though. I find if I just have it low like background music it helps me concentrate.
”Don’t just study what you are assigned to study. Try to learn new things also. Then you will improve in all ways.
”The night before a test, think about the whole topic in your bed just before you go to sleep. This makes your memory very sharp.
”Maintain notes and flash cards at the ready. Review the topics which you find difficult every morning. Eat good food and drink plenty of water during studying. Make sure whatever distracts you while you are studying is out of your sight (mobile phone, computer games, etc.) .
”Make short notes of daily study. Most students may misunderstand the meaning of short notes. Short notes are notes you make after your study. It is a form of shortened knowledge of the things you have learned.
”You have to decide what you have to study and then you must remember what you study. You have to study at home each night. Doing this will improve your thinking skills.
”If you are not interested in a subject, try to learn more and more about it. Then you will find it very interesting and will do better in the subject.
”Sit straight and keep your back straight while studying. This will help you to stay focused. Try to hear the words in your mind while studying your textbook. Concentrating like this will help you to understand the topic clearly.
”Use all your five senses while studying.
”Maintain a place in your notebook in which you can jot down what topics or chapters you would like to study on a particular day. After studying, keep track of how much have you been able to stick to and complete of your daily target. This helps you keep track of your daily progress. Try to have fun studying!
”Write down your timetable for studying. Your timetable must have a break so that you can refresh your mind . Then continue with your studying. Get to sleep no later than 11p.m. and sleep to at least 6 a.m.
”Take notes every time while you study, when you are in class, and after school to reinforce what you have learned. Highlight the important points in your notes. Also highlight key words.
”Before studying, condition your mood first – listen to music. Don’t try to memorize information, but just familiarize yourself with it. Eat nuts or chocolates for energy while studying. Don’t study beyond 9:00 pm. Stop at the point where nothing is being absorbed by your brain.
”After studying, do something unrelated to your studying. Then come back and review what you studied to increase your remembering and understanding.
”If you find a topic difficult to learn, try to explain how to learn it to others. Once you know how to do it, review it by explaining it to others who do not know how to do it.
”You don’t have to study for a long time. But if you study for a short time, you have to study with complete concentration.
”As a child I had severe ADD and had significant trouble remembering something as simple as a homework assignment. Frustrated with my memory troubles I began highlighting my study material with different color highlighters. I used different colors based on the subject and priority of the material. I then began to use my study methods while listening to classical music. I would play the tune I was listening to while studying in my mind and would recall the flashes of color and in turn I would remember the material.
”When you are in class, jot down all the points that your teacher is explaining. Similarly, when you are at home, read the particular chapter or concepts your teacher has explained. If you are allowed to, underline in your textbook all the important points. Or otherwise, write them in your notebook. Study these important points for tests.
”Concentration and time are the important things. First, concentrate your mind. Then divide your time across your subjects. Try to spend more time on the difficult subjects.
”If you have your mind set on being the best learner, don’t freak if you have a big test to study for. The best way to study peacefully would be to put away distractions such as cell phones and televisions and relax. If it helps, turn on some relaxing, quiet music to help you focus.
”As a student I sometimes think I have to study more in future. No! Today is the future of tomorrow. Start studying right away. Don’t think of studying as hard work. Just be interested in what you study and work to like it. Then learning is fun and becomes easy.
”Here is a flashcard tip. Read your flashcards 7 times each day line by line. This might get annoying, but it’s a great help for remembering information.
”Here are some ideas to do well on tests.
1. Prepare yourself at least one week before an exam.
2. Get enough sleep; do not push yourself to study until midnight.
3. Wake up in the early morning to review the exam materials.
4. Have a discussion group with your friends.
5. Understand your teacher’s grading criteria.
6. If it’s an essay test, include important points your teacher said during
The key is to have a peaceful environment in which to study. Keep it organized and use different techniques to study. Sometimes use flash cards or sometimes make a study guide to improve your knowledge.
”Don’t wait until the last minute to get something done, because you will try to do everything at once and will get confused. Then you wont get anything completed.
”Study one section of a book at a time. The next time study another section. Also, test yourself to see if you remember the information from the previous section you studied. Review what you don’t remember.
”Be mindful of what you eat before studying and/or testing. Eating a heavy meal can make you feel sluggish and not able to absorb information.
”Find a way to use what you have learned as soon as possible. Using what you know rather than just knowing what you know is one of the most effective study habits known to mankind. Use what you know in as many contexts as possible.
”Stay focused on what you have to do for school. Your friends can wait, but assignments can’t.
”Study in the afternoon for an hour after school. This is when what you learned that day in school will be freshest in your mind.
”What I do is I turn on the radio to my favorite radio station, read my study guide, and make up songs about what I am studying. I remember what I’m studying later when I sing the songs to myself.
”Try to calm down and turn off all distractions when you begin to study. Learn the most important facts first. Don’t just read the material from beginning to end, stopping to memorize each new fact as you come to it. New information is acquired much more easily when you can relate it to material that you already know.
”Don’t freak out when you face all your assignments. Take your time and approach them one at a time.
”Sometimes we slip into over-thinking and over-stressing about our workload and performance. A process I have been successful with is: don’t worry, start working, keep working, reorganize and rejuvenate, work some more, and do your best.
”Work hard in class and pay attention. Take good notes and study hard. Studying is good for the brain. It makes you smarter and helps you get good grades on your tests. Don’t stress when you study. Take a deep breath and keep going.
”This is for you kids out there who are like, “What! We had homework?” I have a tip for you. Keep a planner, this stuff really helps!
”“Don’t try to cram in everything at the last minute before a test. It won’t help you. All it will do is get you confused.”
”Pay attention in class. There may be students that distract you from doing work. They can make you fail. You have to zone them out.
”If you don't study, then get in the habit of studying. Do it as much as you can, because if you do, it will become a habit and become easy!
”“I try to study at the same time each day. Then I’m ready to start right away when that time comes.
”I study before I go to bed. This is because I remember what I studied when I wake up the next morning.
”I think that even though the school system makes it seem like getting good grades is more important than learning itself, always remember that school is still about learning. Of course you have to focus on getting a good grade while studying, but when you see studying as learning new things instead of just studying for a test, you’ll probably become more motivated and enjoy studying more. Plus, if you realize it, maybe you’ll even stress about your grades less.
”The worst thing that happens for any student is to study the day before the exam only. Try to study day by day and understand as much as you can. It will be hard to memorize and understand everything in one day.
”Have paper and pen with you when you read your textbook. If you just read and depend on your memory, your doing it wrong. You have to take written notes and go over them for practice as much as you can.
”You can chew gum while studying and chew the same flavor while taking the test. I’ve tried it before and it actually works! It helps me remember what I was studying when I was chewing that gum. Be sure it’s ok with your teacher to chew gum during the test though.
”You must study regularly and never cram. You have to review your textbooks every day. Most importantly, keep full concentration on what you are studying.
”Sometimes while you’re studying make sure you listen to some good music. Make sure it is not music that is going to distract you from learning. It’s best to listen to music with no lyrics. Classical music helps me study.
”After reading your textbook, write answers to any questions given at the end of the section or chapter. Make sure you understand your answers. If not, go back and read again. Cramming doesn’t help. Also, I have found that the Internet is great for learning most foreign languages if you don’t spend your time playing games.
”Make a power point of what you learned and do a slideshow afterwards, Then read it out loud so you hear it as well as see it.
”I keep stuffing things in my backpack as I go from class to class. As soon as I get home from school, I take everything out of my backpack and see what I've accumulated. I throw some things away, put aside what I need for assignments, and put the rest back for the next day. An organized backpack is an organized mind.
”Always remember to take breaks. Write up notes from your textbook, and every time you complete a page, leave your desk and have a short walk. Look at your notes and try to memorize what you have learned. A fresh mind is a strong mind.
”It’s not enough to read the topic just once. You have to read it several times to remember the information. The repetition really helps and gets easier each time.
”It’s good to study with a partner and have them ask you questions to see if you remember the information you read. If you don’t remember something then you should review it.
”Have a friend, parent, sibling, or teacher quiz you verbally. You might remember it better if you can't see the answer and practice remembering the answer.
”When I take notes in class, I don 't try to write everything my professor says just as he says it. I try to write only what I think is important and I write it in my own words. This gives me better understanding when I study my notes for tests.
”Try to create an outline to help you organize your thoughts and help get everything in order. To make the outline, just refer to your notes. This ensures better memory of the topic taught and you might even learn new details. Also,write it in your own words or you can also make a graphic organizer or chart if you are more of a visual learner.
”Try to prepare the lesson ahead of time if you are experiencing difficulty with the class. That way when your teacher teaches the lesson, it will be somewhat of a review for you and the information will stick longer.
”Do the hard work first. if you do you will go from hard work to easy work. You will lose the stress of your work getting harder as you go further and you will get done quicker.
”Even if your teacher gives out a study guide, you should always take notes in class, Then you’ll have something to study in your own words to use with the study guide.
”Always study even if you are not having a test or quiz. What you study you will need to know at a future time, maybe this year or even later on in life.
”You should study even if you don’t have a scheduled test because your teacher may give a pop quiz . Or, your teacher might even just ask you a couple of questions that you won’t know because you didn’t study. Also, it is good to study early because research shows that if you study at the last minute you won’t remember much because you cannot remember very much with so little time.
”Don’t stress out about a test. Make sure to always study your notes from class and your textbook. Eat a good dinner the night before the test and a good breakfast before the test. Oh, and another thing would be to chew some gum while you take the test. This relaxes you and helps you think. That is if your teacher allows it.
”When you have a test or quiz coming use flash cards and have them in different colors for different topics. I realized that when I was struggling with studying for a test. I used flashcards to remember information and I passed a huge test!
”As I study for a test, I write questions that I think may be on the test. Then I have my parents quiz me using these questions. They keep doing this until I answer all the questions right.
”I repeat everything in my head over and over again to remember it. If it’s math I memorize the steps.
”Study somewhere that is like a classroom. That way,when you get to class you will remember the things just like you studied them.
”When you read your textbook, repeat only the important information aloud. This way when you have a test you know the key words and the definitions.
”Using analogy is very powerful. Our brain loves images and that’s how it likes to remember things. You don’t need to be a genius to train your memory. You just need to imagine. The crazier, weirder and amusing your imagination, the better you will be at remembering.
”I think it’s good to study with your friend sometimes. It’s a good way to submit information to your mind. You can solve your problems together, but if you want to study a lesson that is just for memorization, it’s better to study alone.
”I read the information, then I write it, and then I teach it to someone else. This has always worked for me.
”Do not be afraid to ask your teacher what you have forgotten. They will be happy to help you no matter what. You show the teacher that you are trying hard when you ask questions.
”I always start by writing down the questions I want to answer in my reading. Then I read the chapter. Then I see if I can answer the questions. If I can’t, I reread.
”Have your friend quiz you on what you are studying. It will be more fun and when you are learning in a fun way it will stick in you brain better.
”After working or reading through the information on your topic or unit, create a quiz and test yourself. This process has given great results for tests and grades.
”The main thing is to listen in the class. Be a serious student and cooperate with the teachers. Don’t think that your friends will make jokes about you if you ask questions.
”If you’re a visual learner, doodling is great for any subject. History, for example, can be represented by drawings of people and events. If you aren’t a visual learner, follow your own learning style.
”When you study a topic, review it again and again until you are sure that you have gotten everything out of it. Then practice writing it as if you are in the examination hall.